Brazos Valley Gives

22octAll DayBrazos Valley Gives

Event Photos: (Click Thumbnail to Enlarge)

Event Details

Brazos Valley Gives is 18-hours of on-line giving that brings the region together on one day and as “one community” to raise critical funding and awareness for nonprofit organizations throughout the Brazos Valley.Powered by the Community Foundation, Brazos Valley Gives will provide citizens and businesses an easy platform to support the mission and “good works” of local nonprofit organizations that serve the Brazos Valley.

This day of “giving where you live” is being “powered by the Community Foundation,” and all donations will pass-thru directly to the donor’s charity(ies) of choice.

Note:  This is an online event.  Visit the website below, beginning 9AM on Tuesday, October 22nd to find local charities and organizations to donate to!

Important Links:



October 22, 2019 All Day