Free Stroller Strides with Fit4Mom Bryan-College Station

28dec9:30 am10:30 amFree Stroller Strides with Fit4Mom Bryan-College Station

Event Details

Free Stroller Strides
Fit4Mom Bryan-College Station

Looking for a great way to spend time with your community, get fit while hanging out with the kids, and have a delicious lunch? Come out on the last Wednesday of every month for Lunch Bunch with Fit4Mom Bryan-College Station. Take a FREE Strides 360 class on The Green at 9:30 – 10:30 AM then stay and enjoy lunch with the group at one of our delicious nearby eateries at Century Square!

Enjoy this afternoon at Century Square with the whole family; husbands and family members always welcome.


Strides 360™ promises a heart-pumping
workout designed to increase your endurance while also developing speed,
agility, and quickness to help you sprint through mom life. Bodyweight
conditioning is strategically placed to provide recovery, strength and round
out your workout. It’s for any mom interested in a workout that can be as hard
as you need it to be on your good days or scaled back on days you’re not sure
how you made it out the door! Bring your kiddos with you in the stroller or
leave the kiddo at home and come play with your mom friends. Either way, the
hour will fly by and leave you energized for the rest of your day!



December 28, 2022 9:30 am - 10:30 am

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