Thankfulness Overflowing

12nov1:00 pm3:00 pmThankfulness OverflowingBirthday Drive

Event Details

Royal Roots of Freedom is seeking the community’s help
with supply needs. A few are housekeeping supplies the rest are supplies to
provide each participant with a gift bag on their birthday to show they are

Toilet paper

Paper towels


Gift bags

Christian themed coffee mugs

**And individual $5 gift cards from bakery (for cupcakes)
or coffee shops.

Connected with mental health issues is often a very low
self worth. Many of these ladies have had few opportunities in life to
celebrate and fewer to be celebrated. By donating to this drive you are helping
them increase their self worth.

SATURDAY, November 12, 2022; 1-3 PM

1601 Southwest Parkway

College Station, TX 77840

is drop and go or stay and tour our facilities



November 12, 2022 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm