Celebrate George H.W. Bush’s 100th Birthday and Legacy

13junAll DayCelebrate George H.W. Bush’s 100th Birthday and LegacyA free Community event

Event Details

The George & Barbara Bush Foundation Invites the Community to Celebrate George H.W.
Bush’s 100th Birthday and Legacy


WHAT:        The George & Barbara Bush Foundation invites all Bush 41 alumni,
Bush Foundation supporters and fellow citizens to join the Bush Family in their
celebration honoring President George H.W. Bush’s extraordinary life and legacy
of selfless service on what would’ve been his 100th birthday. The culmination
of the Bush Foundation’s centennial commemoration, 41@100: A Celebration of
George H.W. Bush,
is a special series of events hosted from June 11-13,
2024, at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Center on the Texas A&M University
campus in College Station, Texas.

Thursday, June 13, the community is invited to several free, family-friendly

A skydiving exhibition and special moderated panel by the Bush grandchildren; the public grand opening of the Marine One/4141 Locomotive Pavilion; cake and ice cream; a meet and greet with Sully the Service Dog; and a concert by Texas singer-songwriters and Texas
A&M alumni Robert Earl Keen ‘78 and Lyle Lovett ‘79. The George H.W. Bush
Presidential Library & Museum will offer free admission to the public all day.                        


WHEN:        Thursday, June 13, 2024    

·      8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Grand Opening of
the Marine One/4141 Locomotive Pavilion featuring the historic Marine One
helicopter and Union Pacific 4141 Locomotive

·      8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Free admission to
the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum

·      8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Parachute jumps
by President Bush’s grandchildren at the field located next to Lot 43 at the
George H.W. Bush Presidential Center

·      11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Birthday Cake and Ice Cream Reception with Sully the
Service Dog in the Rotunda of the George H.W. Bush
Presidential Library & Museum

·      2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.: “Looking Forward:
Carrying the Mantle of Service into the Future” – Moderated Conversation
with President Bush’s Grandchildren at the Annenberg
Presidential Conference Center

·     Grounds open at 6:00 p.m., concert starts
7:30 p.m.:
Robert Earl Keen and Lyle Lovett headline a special performance
at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Center


WHERE:              George H.W. Bush Presidential Center

                           1000 George Bush Dr. West, College Station, TX 77845


ADMISSION:      All events are free, but registration is
required as space is limited.
Participants may register at 41at100.org/events.  


ABOUT:       The George & Barbara Bush Foundation

The George & Barbara Bush Foundation strives to preserve the historic legacies of President
and Mrs. Bush, primarily by supporting and promoting education and
service-oriented programs at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library &
Museum and The Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M
University. The Center creates unique and life-changing opportunities that
bring together and connect world leaders, students, public policy experts,
business executives, and current officeholders.

More at www.georgeandbarbarabush.org.


41@100: A Celebration of George H.W. Bush

The George & Barbara Bush Foundation launched “41@100: A Celebration of George H.W. Bush” to honor the 100th anniversary of George H.W. Bush’s birth. The centennial runs
through December 31, 2024, and will feature a schedule of events for Bush
Alumni and the community to celebrate the extraordinary life and achievements
of President Bush.

More at www.georgeandbarbarabush.org/41at100.



June 13, 2024 All Day