Astrophotography: Exploring Celestial Mysteries

05feb2:00 pm4:00 pmAstrophotography: Exploring Celestial Mysteries

Event Details

Astrophotography: Exploring Celestial Mysteries
Presented by the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley

Join us as we welcome Randall Light, MD into our gallery!
This is an exhibit of astrophotography images carefully created to explore
the natural beauty of the sun, moon, stars, star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae. The images have
been created to be both realistic and artistic.
Dr. Light shares, “My astrophotography combines my passion for photography with my awe of the natural beauty of the night sky. It is the tool I use to artistically share the amazing beauty to be found just beyond the reach of the naked eye. It merges my need for both faith and scientific understanding of these celestial mysteries.”

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February 5, 2022 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm CST

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