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State Collapse in Sudan

11sep12:20 pm1:20 pmState Collapse in SudanPresented by The Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs

Event Details

State Collapse in Sudan
Presented by The Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs

The Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs invites Payton and Kate Almquist Knopf to speak on the “State Collapse in Sudan” on September 11th from 12:20 – 1:20 PM CT via Zoom.

As Sudan rushes headfirst into state collapse following the eruption of fighting between two state security forces in April, the complexity of the crisis should not obscure two basic facts. First, the state’s failure would take with it any remaining hopes that the US and Europe have of establishing themselves as credible strategic partners in confronting the continent’s most fundamental security challenges. Second, the African Peace and Security Architecture will lose all relevance in addressing those same challenges. Despite this stark reality, however, international and regional actors have struggled to appreciate the gravity of the challenge or to mount a commensurate response. This lecture will examine the causes of the conflict, assess the diplomatic responses to date, and discuss the implications for regional and international peace and security.


This is a virtual only event. Please include your questions for the speaker in the comment section during registration. Registration will close at 5:00 PM CT on September 10, 2023.


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September 11, 2023 12:20 pm - 1:20 pm


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